Dreaming Again
Even if you haven't dreamed in years, this quick and easy guide can bring you back to healthy sleeping patterns and vivid dreaming. When you're doing the right things, it can happen overnight.
Dreams can be a source of powerful transformation: from unlocking inherent wisdoms about yourself and reality, to healing from past traumas that can be like doing a year’s worth of therapy in a single night, and even using your dreams like a training simulator to improve skills and knowledge in your waking life.
Though, there is an alarming and growing number of people who aren’t dreaming (or at least not remembering their dreams) at all. Dreaming is an incredibly important part of our lives that’s been taken completely for granted in our modern culture. Take seriously the potential benefits of a healthy sleep and dream life, and consider incorporating the following practices into your daily and nightly routine.
Included in this Workbook
Healthy foods & habits
List of foods and habits to avoid
Informational section on the pineal gland & circadian rhythm
Two meditation exercises for sleeping & dreaming
The Role of Nutrition and Behavior
Nutrition is the number one source of healthy sleeping and dreaming. Below is a list of foods that are guaranteed to bring you closer to the dream realm.
Best Foods
Complete Amino Acids: Getting your complete amino acids are essential for the efficiency of body processes that facilitate the production of neurotransmitters and chemical processes that aid in sleep, dreaming, and overall well being. Some examples of the best foods are listed below. Do additional research to expand this list by searching “Foods with complete amino acids.”
Hemp Powder
Ezekiel Bread
Spirulina & Chlorella
Chia Seeds
Rice & Beans
Pita and Hummus
Clean Meats (i.e. grass-fed, hormone-free, etc.)
Tryptophan: Tryptophan is the master amino acid for optimum sleep and dreaming as well as happiness, productivity and success in your waking life. I have included a section from the “Seat of the Soul” book that explains how the process of Tryptophan and the pineal gland create the overall physiological and neurological environment for healthy and productive waking, sleeping and dreaming states. You will find that excerpt after the nutrition section. The full version of the book is available here on Substack with a paid subscription. Below is a short list of common foods high in tryptophan. Again, expand this list by searching for “Foods high in Tryptophan.”
Fresh Milk
Oats and Oatmeal
Tuna Fish
Turkey and Chicken (Especially Dark Meat)
Nuts and Seeds
Recommended Supplements
Trace Minerals
Cell salts
Spirulina and Chlorella
The Opposite is Also True
If there is good nutrition that helps with dreaming then there must of course be malnutrition that hurts your dream life. Below are a list of the most consequential consumptions that negatively effect your ability to sleep deeply and dream.
Worst Foods
Processed sugar
Too much sodium
Unsaturated fats
Inflammatory foods
American Breads and Grains
Processed Cheeses
Tap water
Fluoridated tap water
Foods sourced from locations using tap water
Nano-Hypoxyapatite is the better alternative for toothpaste. It is what your teeth actually need and does not have a toxic effect on the body like fluoride does. Filtered water with a filtration system that is guaranteed to filter out fluoride is a great way to remove fluoride from your water consumption. Additionally, think about where you get your drinks from (coffee shops, store-bought etc.) when you go out, and consider ways you can start removing those things from your daily consumption as well.
Additional Unhealthy Consumptions
Pesticides in produce
Electromagnetic Pollution & Interference
Screens and artificial lights
Wi-Fi and 5G
Stimulants and Sedatives
Controlled substances like Adderall
Stress (The number one factor)
Stressful people.
Stressful work environment
Compulsive Behaviors
Anxiety &Depression
Overthinking (especially right before you go to sleep)
Excerpt from “The Seat of the Soul” book. Read the entire book by clicking below (Paid Subscription)
The Importance of the Circadian Rhythm
The Pineal Gland might be the true unsung hero of the mind-body, the true “master gland” of the brain. It’s responsible for the metabolizing of the three neurochemicals that complete the cycle of the circadian rhythm. Those are: Serotonin, Melatonin, and Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). These three neurotransmitters work together to facilitate the 24-hour waking and sleep cycle of the human being at a fundamental level. In addition to promoting physiological function, they additional appear to have an important part to play in the very nature of our consciousness and how we perceive and understand reality.
When your body is getting the correct amount of the building-block nutrition (primarily the amino acid tryptophan), serotonin is produced in effective amounts for improving mood, productivity, posture, success in your endeavors, and so much more.
Many of us have become addicted to dopaminergic (dopamine-producing) substances such as cigarettes, coffee, our mobile devices, alcohol and many others. Dopamine is a cheaper version of serotonin; whereas serotonin produces feelings of sustained happiness, dopamine merely causes a temporary sensation of pleasure. Because we have hijacked the natural process that this neurotransmitter is responsible, en masse in our society, and abused the process in an unnatural attempt to maintain and stabilize our mood, we have become a hindrance instead of a help.
To truly understand how far we have fallen into a desperate kind of conscious experience, you have to appreciate the difference between a mind running on natural serotonin and a mind addicted to dopamine. I’m sure many of you can recall that on most days, upon waking up, you’re often a bit groggy, emotionally and intellectually dulled, and even slightly sad. Some of your first thoughts are of getting the coffee maker going, checking the phone and how you’re going to brute force through a day you’re not particularly looking forward to.
But do you remember a time when you didn’t feel that way? Maybe it hasn’t happened since you were a child. But upon waking up, you had an entirely different set of feelings and thoughts. Maybe a general excitement for the day, a confidence that you would be successful in your endeavors, coupled with a relaxed and content state of the heart and sharp state of mind. That my friend, was serotonin. It of course, is many other things with many other ways of saying it. But biochemically, it was the activation of serotonin.
You literally saw a different reality. With a whole different set of more positive expectations and appreciations for a new day, the day itself was transformed by you and your better equipped body and mind, to be successful, to have a steady hand, and a more understanding heart. The ‘bad stuff” didn’t pull you down and the “good stuff” further reinforced your peak state and created a positively flowing upward cycle of sustained serotonin production. The experience of success and positive experience in turn facilitates serotonin production, which in turns improves your chances of success and positive experiences. Things do in fact, get better and better.
We need to get back on track and start honoring the circadian rhythm and the role of serotonin in the daytime. There are two primary things that will help heal our brains and bring us back to center. The first is to reduce the dopamine reuptake from low success, high reward dopaminergic behaviors. For instance, you might go out on the porch upon waking up and have your daily coffee as the sun rises.
It sounds great, but what have you done to deserve it? Trust me when I tell you that your brain is keeping score every time you reward yourself without doing the work. Dopamine is the lazy cousin of serotonin in this way. Serotonin is being produced just as much for the completion of the goal as it is the work it took to get their. It’s produced as a result of you knowing you deserve what you received.
We are biologically programmed in this way; To associate this peak mental and emotional experience that the serotonin reward systems provides, as a result of completing a goal that first requires meaningful and challenging work. Take for example making a great monetary investment and seeing it pay off. This would be an example of an action that causes a serotonin reuptake. Or training for a year to break a record in the 100m sprint. When you beat the best time, the release of serotonin will be complementary to the implications of the success coupled with the year of strenuous training.
We need to start shifting our reward system from the dopamine-producing one, to the serotonin-producing. This will be the first step in healing and nourishing our pineal gland. Start small. Before you engage in that ‘reward’ behavior, complete a small but important task that makes you feel better about yourself and improves your position toward your future goals. It could be as easy as brushing your teeth, loading the dishwasher or meditating for a few minutes. Then, celebrate! Literally lift your head up, expand your chest and throw your hands up in the air in a celebratory pose. It may sound ridiculous, but these physical actions actually promote the production of serotonin. Then go ahead and enjoy that cup of coffee. This chemically changes the way your brain responds to something that is more conducive to the human experience.
Everyday, move a little closer to the goal of active serotonin production. The coolest thing about doing this is: the more you do it, the more you do it. It gets easier and easier. Your brain starts functioning more efficiently and effectively. Tasks that were difficult yesterday will be easy today. You’ll get more done and produce more serotonin, which will make you feel better and better. It’s like the opposite of a vicious cycle downward. Excelsior!
When we are producing serotonin in the correct amounts, it will store up and prepare to convert over to melatonin. The transfer of synthesis and metabolizing starts occurring when the sun goes down. The problem people are having in our modern times goes right back to the same problem we have with serotonin production; modern human beings disconnect from their natural body and the natural way of living. When the sun goes down the lights should go out. By keeping artificial light on, we trick the pineal gland into thinking it's still daytime. Therefore, it won’t produce melatonin, at least not to the degree and in the amounts that it would normally. I almost cringe when I see a social media post about not being able to sleep. You’re on your phone! It's shining light in your face! Of course you're not sleeping!
I know it's hard for us to separate ourselves from the bright shining light. The phones are fun, we often work late hours as digital nomads and entrepreneurs, and we need lights to navigate our homes, cook dinner, get chores done, etc. But what if you started small? You’re already planning to restrict your phone use and give it to yourself only as a reward after a task for your serotonin homework (riiiiight?). Now ask yourself: do you really need the bathroom light on, or will a candle do? Will one light in the house be bright enough so that you don’t run into the coffee table? Try it and see. Ask yourself what you really NEED to do after the sun goes down. Could you possibly get it done earlier in the day? Can you have dinner a couple hours earlier?
Again, this is not a sprint- it's a marathon. Keep a steady pace, and take small steps in the right direction. Before you know it you’ll be meditating butt-naked on a mountain somewhere, remote-viewing the founding of the Babylonian Empire.
When melatonin starts getting produced in the right amounts, you will get that natural sleepy feeling. Not that exhausted “tired but can’t fall asleep” feeling. No, it’ll be that relaxing, comforting, “What a chill ending to a productive day” feeling.
Melatonin will then ferry you off to sleepy la-la land where you will meet with The Elixir, DMT, in stage four sleep.
DMT truly is the bridge between the two worlds. Our dreams take us deep into the subconscious and unconscious that we are barely aware of in our waking state. As we begin to hone in our skills of lucid dreaming, those inner halls of our dream world become more detailed and the characters within more expressive, to the point where we begin to have a precise dialogue with the subconscious self, which has implications regarding our conscious mind, that we can only begin to imagine. Quitting addictions overnight, training practical skills like sports or writing and even expanding our intelligence and perceptions by activating new regions of the physical brain. All are possible when you get back into a healthy circadian rhythm and DMT production.
When we’re getting enough melatonin for sleep, the melatonin will convert to DMT as we near stage four sleep. I do think there are some exceptions to DMT production. I have found myself falling into dreams almost immediately after falling asleep. Though stage four is usually where all the magic happens and it is important for us to get there for several reasons. For one, stage four is deep sleep. It is critical for full body health as the mind and body go into deep relaxation and repair mode. This is where most of the regenerative work is being done.
But there are a couple ways that we can inhibit the process of DMT production. The major causes of a lack of DMT synthesis and metabolizing is smoking, the use of marijuana and stress. Smoking blocks the lungs from functioning properly and doing one of its jobs of synthesizing DMT from its base building blocks. Marijuana blocks stage four sleep. This is why, when you use it, you feel like you sleep extra hard but never feel fully rested. Many times people are smoking late at night to self-medicate in order to fall asleep. But like many other external “medications” it's simply a bandaid that ends up causing more problems than it solves. I am not saying you shouldn’t use marijuana altogether. It has many potential benefits in general. Though, if you are trying to normalize your circadian rhythm, nighttime marijuana use is going to throw a wrench in the process. As a baby step, try smoking a little earlier and utilize the stress reduction techniques we teach in the later section of this book.
In stage four sleep, DMT will start getting metabolized and create the dream state. The research here isn’t conclusive though; we go out on a limb to affirm that the dream state requires DMT production to manifest the sleeping psychedelic experience. As you awaken from a flourishing dream stage and sleep experience you will then use the remaining building blocks of these neurotransmitters to start making serotonin to make your day joyful, productive and purposeful. If you’ve ever lucid dreamed or done astral projection, you may have noticed that you wake up in a particularly good mood. We believe this is due to the healthy metabolization of DMT and full conversion into serotonin.
This is the circadian rhythm cycle, a mandatory process for activating the pineal gland. These neurotransmitters are the literal fuel for your third eye. These are the fundamental biochemical mechanics of spiritual awakening. It is crucial that we understand how spiritual concepts are anchored in reality. Using science, logic and the process of phenomenology we can marry the two sides of the mind, the creative and spiritual with the logical and reasonable. Both are necessary for a true and deep understanding of the spiritual life of the physical being. It will also be the key in translating these ancient mystical secrets into an accessible discipline for all people of the world.
End of Excerpt
Finally, I have provided two great exercises that are going to be helpful in getting you into more relaxed states at night, and create a more intimate connection between your mind and body, which is necessary for active dream recall.
Exercises I: Connecting to the Subtle Energy Body: The Circle Method
Begin drawing a circle on the palm of your hand with your other hand. It’s best to use your fingernail to really get the sensation. Draw about 20 circles this way.
When you stop tracing the circle in your hand, notice that you can still feel the sensation of it, of the energy in your hand moving in a circular motion. Really feel into this sensation and become familiar with it.
When you have become familiar with the moving energy in the palm of your hand, begin to move it around your hand, up your fingers, over to the top side of your hand, and potentially even begin to move it up your arm. Notice that the energy flow is at your conscious command.
Now imagine a paintbrush with golden paint, and where you previously were circulating the energy, begin painting on with this paintbrush. Feel the stroke as it goes across your skin and feel the energy present in it.
Begin to move this energy all over your body. Then notice that you can make the energy pulse. Take your time and make this pulsing sensation strong and prominent.
Put this energy pulse into the center of your torso, at your solar plexus. Now expand that pulsing sensation throughout your entire body and feel the sensation of your energy body being alive and activated.
Finally, bring your attention to your breath. Imagine that the air is filled with particles of golden light, and when you breathe in, hold the breath, and feel those particles of light move down into your stomach, into your lower dantian center. Understand that this is how you are filling your energy with life force.
Exercise 2 - Taking Command of the Mind: The Control Room
Sit in an upright position with your spine straight. If you have a medical condition and cannot sit upright, you may lie down on your back with your spine straight and your knees bent to keep the spine as straight as possible.
Begin by taking a few deep breaths with your eyes open. After 2-3 breaths, you may close your eyes and resume breathing normally, with your focus on your breath.
If you notice any thoughts coming up while you are beginning to meditate, simply assure yourself you will attend to them later, and bring your attention back to your breath, letting go of the distraction.
Now bring your consciousness into the center of your brain, and visualize a door in front of you.
Walk through this door, into what appears to be a control room. Notice that there are levers to your right and left down a long corridor. Each of these levers controls something specific about your habits or personality.
Move up to a lever and read the label where it says “Lucid Dreaming” - you can also do this with “Astral Projection” when you repeat this meditation. This lever is the control switch which will allow you to begin Lucid Dreaming.
Approach the lever further and switch it to the “on” position and feel the neurons in your brain start firing in a new way, allowing you now to dream in the lucid state. Allow the cells of your body to fully incorporate the change you have made. Remember, the universe is mental, and belief is the only requirement for your ability to Lucid Dream.
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-The Cosmic Man
Can u do post for prayer how to make it more effective,?
I've kicked most of my bad habits over the years. Nicotine is so difficult. Moving into a better physical and financial space in the coming months is going to help a whole lot mentally. I'll get there. This is a journey and I'm only 6 years 9 months into my new life. I have years to grow. I know I can't rush these because I know what I do when I rush myself. In the past year though I've turned my eating habits all the way around. You have honestly helped me so much. Thank you. I'll be a paid sub eventually. Until then thank you. I'm here for the ride.