The Order of Melchizedek: Initiation & First Principles
It's Time to Begin the Journey of Humble Warrior
I want to start by saying that this path is not exclusive to men. The Order of Melchizedek seeks to create Priest Kings and Queens. Both men and women have their role to play in the coming war for the human soul. Together, we will find our way through these uncertain times, as we transform physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, activating the ancient archetypal energies and wisdoms of the cosmic human being.
In this Introduction to the Order of Melchizedek , you will be given:
The primary tenets of the Order, explained in detail.
The motivation and operation of these primary tenets in the Order and how you can begin integrating them into your own life.
A prayer of dedication, that upon reciting, will start your personal journey with righteousness and wisdom.
Important Note: This is Not a Cult
The Order does not seek to gain followers or worshippers. We do not have rituals, mythologies or gods. The Order is not taking donation or tithes. Above all, we are not asking you to abandon your individuality for the group. If we are united, it is by the divine principles of right action and neighborly love. I am not your preacher, nor am I some idol. I am only a helpful guide on this journey. I want you to retain your full autonomy and agency with your growth. The Order will never let ritual, mythology, belief, or the group itself supersede the individual and their personal relationship with Creator and Created.
In time you will discover a bound with the Order and it’s practitioners that transcends holy books, gods and repetitive prayers. One that is anchored in right action and the dream of rebuilding the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. But we will never be a religion. We will never become that which we are trying to abolish.
What Does the Order of Melchizedek Stand For?
The Order of Melchizedek (OM) is Constructed Upon Four Major Pillars.
The Right Hand Path: Understand human righteousness, right action and their opposites of wickedness and sin.
The Mysteries: Unlock the secrets of meta-reality and transform the supernatural mysteries into natural understanding.
The Master Craft: Apply the knowledge of the mysteries to perform magick and miracles.
The Kingdom of Heaven: With the Knowledge of the First Three Pillars, Work to Establish a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
These Pillars in Action, Become Our Strategic Goals Toward the Final Destiny of the Order.
Understand Human Righteousness and Right Action and Their Opposites of Wickedness and Sin: We will understand and exemplify the true meaning of righteousness by using: objective & rational principles of virtue, divine contemplation of the True One God using our intuitive faculties, and practical applications of thought, word and deed to train the muscles of discipline and focus.
Unlock the Secrets of Meta-Reality and Transform the Supernatural Mysteries into Natural Understanding: Advanced meditation and prayer techniques will assists us as we engage in a divine dialoging with God: Creator and Created, the Great Spirit of All. These conversations with the God within and the Creator all around us, will unlock the many doors of reality.
Apply the Knowledge of the Mysteries to Perform Magick and Miracles: We will bring the mysteries of faith back into the light in a practical way, using the scientific method and rational philosophical principles to establish a respectable method and discipline with measurable and meaningful effect.
With the Knowledge of the First Three Pillars, Work to Establish a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth: With our disciplined application of righteousness, deep understanding of the nature of reality, and our mastery of the craft, we will use our knowledge and power to restore the world to a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. With a cross to bear, a sword to sheath and a hill to fight upon, we will engage in battle with the enemy as necessary and heal the world and its people; mind, body, heart and soul.
The Right Hand Path
The beginning of any spiritual journey should start with the contemplation of God and the highest version of yourself. With great power comes great responsibility and the order in which you attain those things matters greatly. If one does not cultivate, refine and purify the soul, it is vulnerable to the ego and selfish motivations. Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, though, the resolve against corruption must be far greater than the temptation to use power as we please. The right hand path is the recognition of a correct order of pursuing magick. Cultivating righteousness of which Christ himself would be proud, before mastering the art of magick to the level of King Solomon himself.
Christ performed the greatest miracles of any prophet, though he is revered for his purity of spirit first and foremost. Solomon was a master of magick, though Man and God alike sing praises of his wisdom above all. The blessings of great power is gifted to those most fit to yield it.
In the OM, we will teach the fundamental nature of righteousness and the application of it in your everyday life.
The Mysteries
There is the map, and then there is the territory. Maps are idea systems that help us to better understand and navigate the world. They come in the form of religions, philosophies, sciences and political systems. And although they can be helpful, they never provide the complete picture of what reality is, and oftentimes lead us into false beliefs and misunderstandings.
The territory is the real. It is the unspeakable, unnamable, and incomprehensible dance of matter and energy undergoing a constant process we call time. Beyond labels, words, laws and theories, exists the true nature of our reality. What is beheld, once you remove the map and all its layers of beliefs and notions, is what the esoteric masters call the mysteries.
In the OM we will help you to un-grip yourself from the map, and see the territory. Once you have liberated yourself from all ideologies and “operating systems” of belief, we will teach you how to use any and all maps at will, when it best suits you to do so, while never being pinned to any of them.
The Master Craft
We believe that magick is real. And we have seen the proof of it. Though much of what magick is has been shrouded in mystery and written off as fantasy by the unlearned and uninitiated masses. Using scientific and logic-based system of reasoning, you will learn the objective truth and practical application of the this highest discipline and art.
Magick is fundamentally: the manipulation of matter and energy to produce desired results of change in shorter periods of time than nature produces on its own. As a magician, you will develop a greater understanding of the fundamental building blocks of nature and how your ability to work with that nature and co-create with God, will make the world you live in akin to a lucid dream in real life.
The Kingdom of Heaven
Our purpose is, first and foremost, service to creation. The hungry, the sick, the ignorant and the burdened are consequences of a broken world that has fallen from the grace of wisdom, love and strength. Using the wisdom, love and strength we derive from the first three pillars, we will work toward making the fourth pillar a reality in our world.
Exemplifying righteousness and executing right action will keep us on the right side of all conflict as we work toward rebuilding a world for all. Understanding the mysteries of reality will open our minds to seeing the great machinery of the cosmos so we can emulate that which is in Heaven on Earth. The wisdom of magick gives us a power to even the playing field in this war for the human soul.
The OM will teach you how to focus your efforts to this end goal as you cultivate the tenets of the first three pillars within. To create a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is The Order of Melchizedek’s end game. To become a Christ and a Priest King or Queen, is yours.
The Initiatory Prayer
When you are ready to take the oath and begin your path toward becoming a Christ in the Order of Melchizedek, find a place of silence and solitude. Take some time to contemplate the gravity of what you set out to do. Consider the work of Christ, the miracles he performed, the people he cared for and the courage he had to stand up for what was right, no matter the cost.
Understand that this is the road you find yourself on now. Will you take that road to its end?
Breathing deeply, with full intention, attention and dedication in this moment and for all moments to come, repeat the following:
“I pray that the mysteries be revealed to me, and my place in the universe restored.”
Now, prepare for your world to change dramatically. The True One God will be in contact. Synchronicities, altered states of consciousness, spontaneous revelations and so much more will begin to happen to you at an increased rate. Be patient and kind to yourself. Remember to surrender and accept what is shown, especially when it feels overwhelming. And never forget your foundations in wisdom, truth, love, courage and strength. Let these be your anchors, let these be your guides.
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Peace, Love, Respect, & God Bless,
-The Cosmic Man
I love this bro. My heart feels warm by all you’re doing and putting together.
wisdom, truth, love, courage and strength. Are all the tools we require believing in God our creator Alli is possible if we believe. Thank you for opening this ark door so we may be saved.