Hey man, I take back that stuff I said about "oh maybe he's a comic trying new jokes". Not true, a real comic would adapt and realise something was a) not remotely true; and b) not that funny. If this was live comedy, it would bomb.. he'd hear the bomb.. maybe not feel good because of it and adapt. But sadly we are online and that can give the illusion of something being deeper than it is. And no real comic would tell his audience to "watch a Zizek video and 'come back when you've read some more books'". Real comedy is bringing your audience on a journey with you, and this is not that.

Him doubling down with a long form post, changing the definitions even more... He should stick to the old school manosphere stuff which he's clearly better at, and leave the philosophy to others who have actually studied and read more. And in response to people being like 'it's not a big deal', it is. His post perpetuates this inter gender, inter class, inter 'right'/'left' animosity that we could all do without.

Appreciate your work and wanted to say all that, the thought just struck me now.

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Yeah when he doubled down and it was all serious in that second post I thought damn he'd have to be 007 level top secret comedy kek to pull this one off lol

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I just got off work. I wish I was here for the live. I have so much to say! Give me a minute.

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My response to the response of the response.

And then some.

I feel like his posts are those "hot takes" or "alt right" bias bs.Click bait crap article posts where you have to scroll just right and not click the next button too fast or the screen jumps and you've clicked an ad. I don't know. Or maybe he's a psyo or just an incel who hates women because well he can't get any. His followers seem to hype him up and make him feel he is right about all of his opinions and that's dangerous. That makes an egomaniac. He seems to think he is above everyone and I don't see where he gets off thinking he is all seeing or knowing and why anyone needs to study to have an open conversation with him that's convoluted.

I grew up in a “Christian" household. I use that term loosely. Mom tried to keep us in church but there were weeks, months, and years when we never saw a pew and years when we were there at least twice a week. They also voted Democrat because we were poor. That's how it went in the 80s and 90s. I questioned the Bible and the tradition my whole life. None of it seemed right to me. I wholeheartedly called myself a liberal for years. What I thought was a liberal. Because I was so far away from what I thought was a conservative. I loved so much that I used to lose myself over and over again. It was toxic unconditional love. I didn't know that at the time. Now I don't align myself with any sort of political principle. Because there is not one at all that has anything for me.

I honestly can't believe in 2024 there are still people falling hook, line, and sinker for this political theater. Ramping up both sides to make them hate each other more.

Saposexual that sounds about right.

I used to “relationship hop.” I would go from one 2 to 3 year relationship to the next. I was head over heels in love with most of those men in those relationships. Even if I did have to compartmentalize myself, my family, my jobs, to fit, to make it work to be the other puzzle piece.

When we would break up I would be devastated. My world would end for a few months. And in that fe months I would become a different person. Miss I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T. There was even a song. No I didn't own my own house, I was too busy listening to trap music, doing drugs and not guarding my temple so to speak. There was a time it felt empowering. And there was a time it brought me great shame.

Now I was never making money with anyone and never ever thought about 100 fellas in one day. And her mother being her manager really does make you wonder how long has this kind of thing been happening to this girl? Is this the first or are we just hearing about it? How old was she when her mom put her out there in the beginning? There are so many questions.

Why are we not asking these men why? Why are they signing up? especially numbers say 4-100? It's okay that 100 men want to sleep with this woman and we don't question that but we question the said liberal woman? It's cool to hang the whore but not tell anyone. Are these the same men that say you can't turn a hoe into a housewife? The same men who cheat on their spouses but it's okay because there wasn't an emotional connection. Or are these the men who do things behind closed doors that we don't speak of because there have been “traditional" men who have been charged do not so traditional acts with men, women, and children. Are we blaming that on the liberals or the conservatives? They were in church every week! They were at times the church leaders!

I can see money being intoxicating but also maybe it's my age or maybe it's my soul you couldn't pay me to do it and talk about or put it on the Internet. I'm glad I grew up in a time when cameras weren't at everyone's fingertips. I could say I had a sex addiction especially while addicted to meth. Meth floods your brain with serotonin. When you get clean your brain has a really difficult time trying to produce any for a long time. At the 2 year clean mark is when your brain starts rebuilding neural pathways. Most meth addicts don't make it to 2 years clean without one relapse. 6 years clean and I'm just starting to feel like I'm actually making chemicals in my brain and not the meds I'm weaning myself off of. Back to my point. A lot of people I've met in the industry are sex addicts, drug addicts, both, or have some other sort of trauma which you talked about. I used to for sure be hyper sexualized. My 20s are a line of stories most wouldn't believe. After getting clean my body shut done completely and I went the complete opposite direction. I didn't want to be touched I didn't believe I deserved to feel good even. I didn't even know if I could feel good again. I thought I had broken my chemical production for pleasure. Shit is wild.

That's pretty much all I have to say about the original post.

You liberal? Hahaha. Sorry but really he has no idea.

“Liberals can't show love or be loved or don't deserve love"

I really just think at this point he was trying to get a rise out of you! He's and incel for sure. That's all I got.

"Man is not created equally?”

But we are. One race, the human race. One people. All the same. Equal. How is that so hard to understand?

I've never wanted children. Like ever. I was 13 when I made the real decision to not have them and then my little sister came when I was 15. She had colic for 12 months. If you don't know she basically had gas and an upset stomach all the time so she cried… ALL the time. That was enough birth control for me. That on top of the heart palpitations and profuse sweating that happened when I was left alone with her because I couldn't help her and she wouldn't stop crying. It was heartbreaking and nerve wracking. But I am 100% the nurturing type which is feminine in nature. Which is traditional in a sense. I always thought I wanted to be the working woman. But truly I don't. I want land. I want to garden, tend chickens and goats, make bread and can things. Make all kinds of tinctures and herbal concoctions and soap and oils and all the things. I want to heal and nurture. But right now working this is what I have to do until I can do what I want to do. We will get there. I know it. I've seen it.

Marketing Christianity and monogamy as the only way to live and love is ridiculous. There was love and life before that. Having a family and only doing it one way isn't the only way and we are never going to get that through everyone's head.

This response is kind of all over the place and yes I had to relisten to the whole video again! Sorry this is so long and a bit tmi. I'm here for these conversations though, thank you.

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