I appreciate this bro!

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Our theoreticians have always pointed towards a cultural transformation in the body politic as the precursor to the solving of our existential problems.

What does this mean: cultural transformation?

The cultural transformation presented here is: a group evolutionary strategy that uses high technology positive subliminal audio to free our people from the media's suicide inducing hypnosis and to get on with the end game of our self directed evolution, now, today.

Subliminal is defined as: below or slightly outside the threshold of normal waking consciousness. Sublime, its linguistic root indicates - elevated or lofty in thought, to make higher, nobler, or purer.

Subliminal audio programming is probably the most powerful human resource technology known. The reason you do not already know about it is because you have not looked into it, and because it is being heavily suppressed by our enemies. The last thing they want is for you to use it. Why is that? Because it works.

Ethnic tendencies are automatic, unconscious mechanisms, but despite the power of these ancient mechanisms, they can be suppressed or diverted from their original purpose by cultural programming that takes advantage of some recently evolved cognitive machinery: the conscious processing mechanisms of the human prefrontal cortex. [Kevin MacDonald, Psychology and White Ethnocentrism, 2007, The Occidental Quarterly]

Subliminal programming is a fact of modern life.* The Americans in particular are exposed to it day and night enslaved without a point of reference from birth to death by subliminally delivered signals.

Anthropology shows us that the frontal cortex of the brain is what separates us from the chimpanzees. It is a recent development, supposedly less than a few hundred thousand years old.

The study of IMPLICIT or instinctive behavior and EXPLICIT or learned behavior shows that learned behavior is centered in the frontal cortex.

Study has also shown that things like the concept of race identity is also centered there. This was determined by MRI observation of the brain while pictures were being flashed before the test subjects eyes. [MacDonald]

How does positive subliminal programming work?

It uses sound to synchronize both hemispheres of the brain which unifies and protects the mind from the negative subliminal assault. This causes the externally implanted double mind and its accompanying catatonic state to disappear do to your increased awareness. It also stimulates the frontal cortex, the center of the reasoning mind, which opens the individual person for the ultimate spiritual transformation: the desire to act on their God given ability for self directed evolution. By using these tools we really can become The Ubermench, now, in this generation, and bequeath the ability of future generations to do the same. It is our technology too.

What do Subliminal Programming signals consist of?

All subliminal audio products consist of tones called the carrier frequency which stimulate the frontal cortex and verbal affirmations which stimulate the mind. These signals are repeated over and over and over and are amalgamated by some percent each listening, exactly the way language is acquired.

The developers' commentaries reveal that they use the most modern equipment to determine which tones and frequencies produce the most dramatic stimulation of the brain. According to them, postmortem biopsies on classically trained musicians and articulate speakers show that such persons have a much heavier dendrite concentration on the left frontal lobe than people not so trained. As this is where speech and quick thinking are centered some developers have concentrated on sound frequencies that effect it specifically. They appear to have proven that listening to certain tones can cause the brain to actually develop dendrites, the neuro pathways used to conduct the brains business. Thus a person who exposes himself to these sounds under optimal conditions can quickly realize a better functioning mind. How about that !

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I just found a ton mugwort on the property of our new apartment. Will that help with unfolding super consciously?

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I believe mugwort is a powerful plant for brain chemistry so I would say i think it will have its advantages. I’d do some research first and make sure you take the right amount etc. But yeah plant medicine has its on design and effects, though it will at the vary least, provide certain specific and unique insights in consciousness unfolding

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