There would be way too many variables for someone to know what the future holds. People just don’t critically think. It’s sad. If i was a piece of crap, i could make videos of nonsense and some people would fall for it.

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Yeah I think about that a lot. Think of all the fame and money that is just a fantasy story away. It's sad to think people capitalize on that and even sadder that so many people desperately need a story in order to stay sane...

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It was funny to see him say that right after you made a video about him. Glad he fully outed himself 😅

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Yeah I just sat there kind of laughing to myself when I saw it a day later. WTF Darryl lol. Yes, the good news is he completely exposed himself.

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Who knew interdimensional beings could be Democrats?

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Lmao right?

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They literally suck

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I think we have been conditioned from birth to give away so much of our own power. We look outside ourselves for answers to quiet our fears and feel like others know so much more than we could. Seeking is great and there can be very helpful information out there, but unfortunately there's so much propaganda put out it can be hard to discern truth from lies. By the way,I agree with your view of politics. Neither side is better they're two sides of a rotten apple. Governments don't exist for the betterment of the people, they exist for the enrichment of the higher ups. The only governing that works is a grass roots one which involves community and bases itself on inclusion and empowerment of all.

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Yes, almost as if that’s the entire motivation of their game. Fluoride, educational and religious indoctrination etc etc. By the time were teenagers we’ve been filled with an enormous amount of nonsense.

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If I’m going to vote for anyone I’ll vote Jill Stein. I don’t believe that any of them actually have any power. They aren’t the ones who actually run us. But I’m sure you know that. & Bashar felt off to me before he said this .

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Yea I was kinda blown away n felt anyone with critical thinking skills would see right through the bs, it sucks cause I really did appreciate his opinions but if he'll fold for some bs election, it calls into question his past opinions and certainly his future. I'd like to think the guys not dumb he certainly seems pretty bright which leads me to think maybe he was pressured into this, I mean it's not like he needed money he's got a huge following... leaves u 2 wonder ya know

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Yeah he was generally helpful for people but this…wow. But you know you’re seeing this with a lot of the voices. IT’s like they are all being bought at the same time. It’s a damn shame…

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Ya know what I actually understood from this? Christianity might be losing their foot hold for the manipulation king. If the political parties actually took the time to pay off someone (which it appears they did in this case) then that means that someone has a huge following capable of tipping the scales. But the fact that the manipulation efforts has trickled down another tier to now include the religion of an alien savior has happened much much quicker than i ever considered. Just a few years ago major alien disclosures started... and now they are the new savior... and now the political parties are influencing the followers. Who is making the calls for US politics & religious groups? I bet they allowed the disclosure documents as well.

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Very good eye

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I absolutely agree. 👍

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You should see the defenders of him on Tik Tok calling everyone else triggered. It’s funny and sad

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I have literally not been able to see more than three seconds of this man ever, he has given me the worst feelings of them all …

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So glad I’m not alone. There are a coupe of people that channel that resonate with me but bashar always felt off.

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I’m wildly upset at this because I’ve taken everything he said w a grain of salt, and my intuition told me with him I need to, but the WAY he exposed himself as well is so sad. Poorly planned.

Also ok, the video on him having medical scans while channeling showed a doctor explaining that his brain activity changes in a way that isn’t supposed to happen past a certain age. But, who knows what he paid for now that this information has come out.

Question: do you still believe what you said about how demons want you to talk about the worst case situations to essentially give them permission to act out whatever horrific they want? Is it still a reason for why the world is going to shit? This was a long time ago, if I misrepresented what you said please correct me

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I have always felt off about Bashar, I actually do believe he is channeling something, but it's more of a robot/computer than an actual higher being, which is very weird. it's more of a computer "program"...

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Brother I have been watching Bashar for a while now and what I can say is that he is more likely to speak in terms of energies as he has been before. And he is talking about the male (energy) meaning the old system that has always been at the root of the American government and that imposes and dominates. And since we are entering a new age and the earth is claiming back it's feminine (creative and chaotic) energy. We're about to face some major shaking before the two energies can be balanced

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krystle.channel this lady on tic tok has an interesting explanation to this bishar video. Worth a watch.

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Collective consciousness

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I agree (even though I do not even know of this individual) let’s not discount the fact that force or coercion could be the reason people do what they do 🙏🏼💚💜🤍🙏🏼 If he took a check that makes him despicable however if he has a “threatened family” let’s say, I understand his position.

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I just saw this video and it looks and sounds clipped together if I'm not mistaken.

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