In order to understand “the matrix”, you need to see the constructs.
The constructs are the cogs in that machine we call the matrix.
They are the fundamental building blocks or steel frame of that captivating architecture.
They are the workhorse of the matrix and come in both aesthetic and utilitarian forms.
When you begin to understand the constructs, you also begin to realize that this whole place doesn't have to be simulated for it to be a prison of the mind. It can be as simple as the various and seemingly mundane aspects of the reality you live in that make the experience of life, a matrix.
A boss who keeps telling you he's going to promote you but never plans on actually following through with his promise.
An organization you joined to fight for some political or social idea that never ends up achieving any of it's “goals”: only putting itself in the street to argue with the other side and holding up flaccid and ineffectual signs for hours to no avail.
A president who's clearly not making the nation's decisions and hasn't been for years. Someone who can barely put a sentence together without mumbling or trailing off. A president that we can be sure is simply a puppet for some person or group of people with their own vision and vested interests.
A partner who tells you they love you and says they have plans for the future that include you. But there actions of dishonesty, abuse and procrastination always say otherwise.
Every one of these are a construct. They are simulated reality. It may only be one other person or a group of people, and not some giant well-funded conspiracy that has created the construct, but it doesn't make any difference for you or me.
It's still a lie. It's still has us acting in reality in a way that will never produce the results that we're looking for.
This is the very definition of being in a matrix: Operating within a reality you think is one thing but is actually another. And therefore, you can never truly achieve anything that you actually desire, because it's always inside of a mini-game that has nothing to do with your hopes and dreams, and worse still, it is purposely constructed to ensure “the house” wins. It's purposely constructed to ensure that the player loses, but also (and far more diabolically), the constructs are often designed to confound you and make it so that you never understand why all these bad things are happening. In any given construct, a person or carefully selected group of people are “targets” or “marks.” They are unsuspecting and unwitting victims in somebody else's petty design.
Yes, exactly. Like The Truman show. And yes, also like the gaslighting technique in psychological abuse. Think of it as a theatrical lie with long-term initiatives. Now, can you imagine all the ways constructs can be constructed all around you?
This isn't meant to make you feel paranoid or second-guess everything in your life. I simply mean to ask you to keep a sharp edge in your observations. Everyone's being conned in one way or another, by somebody. If you can catch the con, then that's one less construct in the world. And maybe one day, there'll be nobody left to con, because we'll all understand these principles of deceit and the detection of that deceit.
Oftentimes we're conning ourselves with delusional beliefs and cognitive dissonance. These are constructs you've even helped to make to keep your own mind in a prison. So additionally, be careful to not con yourself; because you're afraid, or because you've let your ego or greed motivate you. The greatest deception is a self-deception.
It's these constructs that hold us back from from any kind of real liberation for ourselves and other human beings. As long as we are being conned by some ridiculous ideology, phony routine or false promise from our higher-ups, colleagues, government representatives, entertainers, friends, family, and even loved ones, we will never get down to the bottom of what's actually happening here.
Some of these constructs are so powerful, so well developed, so clandestine, so strange and surreal, it might as well be part of some dystopian science fiction movie. But in order to get to those ones, the BIG ONES, we have to get the smaller ones out of the way.
First, in our individual lives.
Then, in the broader American public.
And finally, in the larger world for all peoples.
So get out there and break some cogs in that damned machine.
Your absolutely correct about the Matrix. I have been a witness to it for years now, but I saw it as something i could never really get out of. Now, I see the opposite due to Fasting. This world no longer scares me to the point that I can actually help and heal people. Which is my new thing Fasting and Magic! Beautiful. Thank you also for educating us on how to see things. I love it.b Live like your in a Dream! Your awesome 👍👍
Your closer to truth then you realize. Although, you mention getting to the foundational constructs….look for “Abraxis”….click my link above to grasp the concept your trying to convey to the audience. Great job btw! Excellent post!